Monday, November 17, 2014

Ch.18 Test Blog Post

Dear loved ones, 

After arriving in America, my life has been turned upside down. While riding on the boats here, I did not know what to expect. I worried that it would be terrible, and I would not know how to start my life. Luckily there were others with my same worries and it helped to know that I was not alone. Most everyone that was on the boat with me came for the same reasons; better work, and a better life.

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When we arrived in New York, the amount of people that I saw was unbelievable. I had no idea so many people could fit in the same place. When we got out most of us did not have the slightest idea of what to do next. We did not know where to eat, where or how to get a job, or even where we were going to stay. After walking around aimlessly for a while I noticed that some people were asking the natives. I walked up to someone and explained that I was an immigrant and I did not know where to go for anything. The response was not what I was expecting, the man was very rude and walked away saying things underneath his breath. Some people seemed to be fine with giving help, and others were completely opposed to even speaking to us. 

After awhile I met some people that spoke the same language as me. This made it a lot easier to communicate. Now we all live in the same neighborhood. We share the same native customs, which makes it a little easier to live in such an estranged place. There are also theaters and newspapers in our language, which makes us feel more accepted. I love that we can celebrate our own culture, but at the same time I want to experience the American lifestyle. At my job, my boss requires us to learn English. This helps with communication, but it is extremely hard. We are learning it quickly, but I struggle with it. It helps with the cultural divide, and makes things easier.
I wish you all could come to see it. It’s amazing here, but I miss everyone so much back home. I hope that everyone’s doing okay, and tell everyone that I love them. I will write you soon.

            Ryan Sanford

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